Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The snow started on Saturday, and by Sunday morning 6 inches had fallen! As we had a pot-luck luncheon scheduled at church, (every 5th Sunday of the month)I had cooked my ham and was convinced, looking out the window, that NOBOBY would show up. Being a naive "southerner", WHAT was I thinking? I'm in Inuvik, if snow stopped anything we would do nothing. Having cooked dinner on Saturday night for my friends visiting from BC, my newest friend,(and soulmate)Lorraine( a New Brunswicker and Treasurer of our church} picked me up, and we cautiously navigated the roads to Church of the Ascension. Jan and Sonya, my BC friends ,had already arrived, and the numbers for the service were healthy- about 70 people! I did the children's focus with our new "Birthday Bear" named Eli- meaning Ascension. The kids(most I've had yet} surrounded me at the piano and sang their little hearts out to "Jesus Loves Me". Of course they are all getting to know me well- now that I have have them twice weekly for music class at the school.

After church- still very stormy- I watched with fascination, for 45 minutes as the children behind my apartment worked diligently to make a "Snow Maze". They worked forever with many sized shovels to create an interesting weaving path through the snow. I would keep looking out, and after about 2 hours, the children threw down their shovels, and walked the maze they had created, looking like"soldiers". It was one of the most amazing things I had seen, and thought to myself that THIS was the kind of activity children should be involved in-giving them fresh air, exercise, and a "sense" of purpose and accomplishment. Tears fell down my cheeks, as I watched their joy, I knew then, more than ever, why I was called to the North!

More later from SNOWY INUVIK!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I can't believe it has been 10 days tomorrow since I last posted to this. I have been so busy, and just got in from a 13 hour day, so will keep this short.

Since my last writing I attended a mandated BDEC (Beaufort Delta Education Council)conference for all teachers with this School Board. This included teachers from Inuvik, Aklavik, Paulatuk, Sach's Harbour, Holman, Tsiigehtchic, Fort McPherson, and Tuktoyaktuk! The conference was here at the high school and was just fabulous. The keynote speaker and clinicians were unbelievable. I attended 2 amazing sessions on Aboriginal Culture, just wonderful! I also attended fabulous sessions given by the keynote speaker on "Making every day a positive day" and "Laughter in your school". They were all so motivational. As well I attended some leading edge "literacy" workshops for the Kindergarten Learner! I have rarely, if ever, seen SUCH a group of consummate professionals. The majority of teachers here would be "baby boomers" who are "young" retired teachers in their 40's and 50's, who have a wealth of experience and want a new challenge- people who have decided to "refire" not "retire".( Elaine-I know you are reading my blog. Met a teacher who went to Spencer. Her maiden name was Debbie Hallet- she remembered Cheryl)

Last Saturday I attended my first big "social" event- a fundraising dinner at the Legion. Met tons of people from everywhere-Hong Kong, Toronto, Lebanon, Cape Breton and yes PEI. I now have another network apart from school and church and picked up some adult piano students as well. I haven't begun that yet!! The demand here is huge, and NO teachers. I can only accept limited numbers for sure. I have a waiting list at the school.

Other than that it has been steady and HAPPY in the classroom. I continue to love my work. We had "meet the teacher" last night and I met some fascinating people.

Can't write anymore now. I have friends arriving from BC tomorrow, and am looking forward to seeing them-Jan Green and Sonya Goodlad from the great QMS days. I am VERY fortunate to experience many special"God" moments in each day!

Until next time ENJOY your arrival of Fall. Here, Winter has started!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


A very heavy frost overnight on Sunday has now all but eliminated the gold leaves from the trees. There is still some slight hints of red on low growing bushes. Sunrise is now getting later by 4 minutes a day, so I can see a real difference each morning when I head out for school. When we have sunny days, which has been often since I arrived, the sun shines brilliantly and feels very warm on my face. The sunsets here are beautiful with the gold of the setting sun and the the bright reds in the sky.

I simply can't believe that I have only today now been for 3 weeks! So much has happened in such a short time. I continue to be literally "struck" by the unspoiled freshness of most of the students. The aren't jaded, and still have that "child-like" wonder about things. Our new music series has just arrived, and all the children in all grades feel very proud in using their new books. I had researched the material-leading edge quality, before coming here and persuaded the principal to go for the whole thing! I had purchased my own master set before arriving, and started using the material as soon as I got here The students love it- it is super creative, has fabulous listing components, and is topically very positive and current. It is Canadian, and is by far the best music education resource I have used in my entire teaching career.
The staff here is excellent- hard working and very dedicated. I think they are all just great.

I was called to a meeting this week with the Executive Director the the Northern Arts and Culture centre in Yellowknife. They have an excellent lineup of great performers this year, and I will be helping to co-ordinate the Inuvik portions plus arrange school concerts. Sounds very exciting.

We had a big staff meeting today, and for the next 3 days we are at a teachers conference/professional development. We all have to sit on a major school committee, plus smaller groups. My big focus will be part of the community outreach. Our first project- a community "feast" will be on October 8th!! I'm loving being a part of the breakfast club, and enjoy seeing the kids scarfing down so much nutritious food.

I'm starting a school choir next week, and a church choir this week. Last Sunday I did the children's focus and for the St. John's readers of this I am going to get a birthday bear.

I will look forward to hearing from any of you. I feel very fortunate to have been given this opportunity, and celebrate daily the chance to learn so many new things.As my title of this post says, I am very busy, but am living a very rewarding experience.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Since my last posting, I have had an incredible 5 days. At schhol, the students continue to amaze me with their innate talents and thirst for knowledge. Music seems to speak to their core, and the learning environment and sheer joy on their faces takes me back to my initial 4 years of teaching in my native province- Newfoundland.It is as if I have come "full" circle, when in fact I have encountered an amazing detour.

The church community is wonderful.I haven't met the rector yet, as he is away this month for annual vacation. We had chatted over the summer, and he sent me a list of hymns etc. the parish would likely know. Because they had all been singing along to"canned" music since his arrival 4 years ago,the "norm" was country gospel. That scared me!!. Anyway, looking around atsome resources in the parish, I gathered that people had certaily sung traditional Anglican hymns in the past, plus there are a number of Newfoudlanders in the congregation. Today was awesome- people sang their hearts out.I was so spiritually moved!

The fall colors of gold are brilliant now. I have made many new friends in a short time, and my heart was warmed on the weekend when in the markets and on the street I heard calls from my students of only 4 days "Hi Mrs. M". I told them at school that would be easier to remember!

I'll sign off for now. In addition to a full teaching day tomorrow of 8 classes, including Kindergarten Gym!! I have to be at school by 8 as I have signed for the year to help with the "Breakfast Club", which serves a nutritious breakfast to students who need this. This is a place of true "warmth". No -50 degree temperatures will be able to invade this-I AM CERTAIN!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Since my last posting on Friday, I feel as if life is unfolding with so many blessings. Saturday did see the arrival of my 16 boxes, and as I started unpacking, it felt like Christmas! Having no idea what I was facing I had to 2nd guess anything I might need or want to have around me. Nothing was damaged or broken, and as I opened family pictures, my gift of a beautiful photo with my St. John's Jr. Choir in Niagara Falls and their stuffed "Golden" puppy I felt like I had won the lottery.
Sunday I played my first service at the Church of the Ascension Anglican Parish. I can't even begin to describe the emotion as I played the new Clavinova Keyboard the had purchased for me from Edmonton. I'm a "purist" but the pipe organ options were believable! A potluck luncheon followed with delicious foods including Arctic Char,and a special cake with "Welcome Cynthia". Several of the elementary students were in attendance, and 1 one came over to tell me that the cake looked really good! I took that as my signal to take a picture of it, cut it, and then they all enjoyed!
I spent yesterday unpacking and getting my head around today with a few "contingency" plans for my classes. It was a great day- the students are warm, unspoiled, and eager to learn We all had fun today and in my 7 classes that I did see, I am struck by the untapped talent. I just want to share my love of music with them all, build their self-esteem and help them shine!
My camera to computer is being stubborn. I will post photos as I soon as "I" win OR get help. It's another day of fresh air and glorious sunshine in this amazing corner of the earth. I'm well, happy, and getting lots of exercise!