Saturday, October 11, 2008


A lot has happened since my last posting. My friends from BC came and are now gone. We had a good visit even though I was not too well for most of it. I did manage, however to cook 2 dinners for them in my small humble apartment, and Jan sang in for me when we offered our "first" anthem at Church of the Ascension. They had a good time- managed to get to TUK for a day, and then I was back to my "routine".

I, as most other teachers on staff, caught bad colds etc. over the past few weeks- new year, change of seasons, many ill children coughing and sneezing all around us etc. We are all organized for our flu shots within the next couple of weeks. I had the joy- as I obviously had not secured a GP yet, of visiting EMERG at the hospital early on Wednesday am. Yes, I did need an antibiotic etc. Bottom line, I only had to wait 30!!! minutes in a "state of the art" facility, got great care, and am now doing REALLY well. The medical care here in Inuvik is excellent, and as government employees, we are given top end care. It was also GREAT, once again, to meet Maritimer nurses!!

My past 10 days have been filled, apart from my ongoing VERY busy schedule, with ARTS Planning Events here at Aurora College, where I have met the most amazing people!! We have a huge number of events to plan- a Trio Performance tour in Nov., A Storytelling festival, A celtic Band Tour, An Amazing Violin tour from a young 24 year old violinist just out of Julliard, etc, stc. - the list goes on.

My new top-end Yamhaha Clavinova arrived on Thursday -amazing quality! My principal has invested( through the school board etc.) $5000.00 in the music program since I've arrived! I have a waiting list for private students- I obviously can't take on too much due to the busyness of my job- but plan over this weekend to set an initial schedule. I am the only person in Inuvik who can teach piano.

The "noise" of snownobile traffic is incredibile. We are buried under a foot of snow!! My sweet students continue to AMAZE me. They are innately talented, and we are SO happy together. As one class arrived at my room this past Thursday, one little guy exclaimed as I arrrived about 2 Minutes late ( from My K gym class, and my new keyboard was upended near my door in a box about 6 ft. tall)- here is Mrs. M-
We thought you were in the Box!!

I am cooking Thanksgivng dinner tommorrow for 2 dear friends I have met since arriving here. Lorraine and Rob are from New Brunswick, attend the church with me , and are incredible. Lorraine and I ( she works for Human Resouces(Gov) here) have a major Saturday "ritual" now of shopping for groceries AND doing fun things. Apart from our weekly consversations, we are truly "two" bonded women!

One week from Monday, PAUL ARRIVES!!! I am SO looking forward to his week long visit. I just wish he could bring my "Golden Girls"! However they are getting used to their SPA visits at Martindale Kennels and come back HAPPY. Paul will be with Steven, Candice,and the Goldens tomorrow in Milton with 16 of the "Whitten" family . Thank God for family!!

Goodnight and God Bless from this beautiful corner of our country!!!


Anne C. said...

Hi Cynthia,

Joan J gave me your blog address last night and I am enjoying catching up with your adventures. Glad to hear that you're enjoying the experience and have started to make friends and are getting visitors from home!

You are truly missed at St John's and I am always a little sad when I look across the chancel and don't see you there.

Take care and don't forget to wear your woolies!

Anne C

Elaine Polley said...

Hi, Cynthia,

I've been having trouble leaving comments. I don't know why. But I'll try again.

I'm loving your news. I can't believe winter has begun in Inuvik! I'm so glad you're so much enjoying the work and all the activities. I'll ring again soon. I've tried several times, but shall keep trying until I get you.

Lots of love,
